Vimmalla alkoi kauan aikaa odotettu juoksu juhannusp'

I hate this Linux computer, which should support Finnish input system. Instead it just switches between Korean and English text inputs.

Vimma's long waited first heat started on the midsummer day (Juhannuspaiva). Today she was in dog show and naturally she was so happy, when I or the judge touched her behind. I hope Rommi will follow Vimma's example. When Rommi has next heat, she will go to visit one handsome cat man. Let that day be soon.

Two junior bitches.

Vimma's dog show result was EH2, which means very good. And she was second of her class (actually there was only two junior dogs competing agains each other).

Loru was also competing that day. She is bit older lady, but not that old yet :).

Judge Markku Kipina thought that Vimma is like this:
"Hyva koko ja mittasuhteet, kaunisilmeinen paa, hyvat korvat, tummat silmat, hyva purenta, hyvin rakentunut etuosa, tasapainoiset, hyvat kulmaukset, hyvanlaatuinen niukka turkki, liikkuu riittavalla askelpituudella mutta koyristaa lantiotaan liikkeessa ja kantaa hantaa turhan korkealla, hyva luonne."
