Look how stylish and beautiful our puppy model is!



She has practical and warm autumn garmet. Since our model likes to eat and gains weight every week, she should have bigger version of this wonderful jacket.

The precious puppy had her first shower today. Rommi was in the shower yesterday and has at the moment really soft coat. I used cat shampoo for Vimma too and Vimma's coat is also suprisingly soft. Vimma started to whine immediatelly after I wet her like a drama queen. And believe, water was nice and warm and there wasn't that much pressure. It seems that both of my pets dislike shower and act like my younger sister (!!nah, I DON'T want to go to shower!! I don't even need a shower! I want more pets and grow 'kirppusirkus' on my head). For some reason my little sister and my pets dislike taking care of their personal hyginie.