Vimma came home on Sunday afternoon. She's a cute little white-black-brown ball with legs and she is able to walk in a funny way no ball can do (tapiti tapiti tap...). Most of the time she sleeps in a box, in a lap, somewhere nearby. First time when she saw Rommi through her puppy cage she started to grown in a not-street-credible puppy way. Rommi thinks puppy is ok as long as it doesn't move. When Vimma is awake I put Rommi in the bedroom, since I don't yet trust Rommi enough to be with the puppy. I think Rommi is bit afraid, but nevertheless Rommi has been quite close to sleeping Vimma purring at the same time. Propably after time passes those two will be fine and as lovebirds as a dog and cat could be. Rommi is extremely curious, sniffs every inchs of Vimma's puppy cage and checks Vimma often even if she is doing nothing. Compered to Vimma Rommi looks extremely big.

It took me a while to get to used to Vimma's paws, since Rommi has so soft paws and hides her nails unlike dogs. Vimma's nails feel really sharp. After she wakes up she's so happy and waves her tail looking so chearful (her joy is so innocent and pure - as if it's the greatest thing in the world to wake up and see me. Makes me to be more special too, when she greets me like that). Indeed she is a small little dog with a big heart ready to welcome whole world.